More info about this blog

These stories are real, though some details may be fictionalized, to protect confidentiality and identities, but these are actual accounts of Qadishtu moments. Stories can be told from either the point of view of the priest or priestess or from the perspective of the client/seeker/supplicant. The point is - what do we actually DO? This blog seeks to help answer that through example. What we do is incredibly varied, depending on our individual experience, training, gifts, and inclinations, and that's why this is a group endeavor. We all have gems to contribute to the larger understanding of what it means to be Qadishtu and the significant need for this role in our society today.

Please be sure to see our Calendar of Sacred Sexuality & Qadishtu Events at the very bottom of this page!

Friday, January 2, 2009

As we enter into the New Year, one of the resolutions I'm currently thinking about is "How can I continue to grow and learn on this amazing path of the Qadishti? How can I best continue to serve others and nourish myself in the process?"

I don't have answers yet. I am watchful, paying attention, I don't want to miss a sign. And then again, if I spend my time being watchful, waiting for signs, what opportunities might I be missing due to not just simply taking action?

So this morning, I am reminding myself to continue to make an effort to focus on people when I meet them. Not just the cursory glance, but to give them unconditional love with no strings attached. Look them directly and sincerely in the eye. I don't know their stories, but for the moment that we are interacting, I am a part of their story and they are a part of mine. I may learn something from it, I may not...but what is truly lost from the effort? Can there really be any "downside" to acknowledging another human being?

This morning I am reminding myself to continue giving the loved ones already in my life the unconditional love that THEY deserve. To tell them how important they are to me. How cherished.

This morning I am reminding myself to continue treating MYSELF with the unconditional love that I deserve. If I am not at peace with myself, all of the above is useless. Of no worth.

Many wishes to my fellow Qadishtu for a 2009 that is beautiful, loving and filled with opportunities for growth - both our own, and others.

1 comment:

David said...

This is a nice post to welcome in the new year Karen ... much as we Qadishti welcome new people into our lives.

Blessings and bounteous exploration!
