More info about this blog

These stories are real, though some details may be fictionalized, to protect confidentiality and identities, but these are actual accounts of Qadishtu moments. Stories can be told from either the point of view of the priest or priestess or from the perspective of the client/seeker/supplicant. The point is - what do we actually DO? This blog seeks to help answer that through example. What we do is incredibly varied, depending on our individual experience, training, gifts, and inclinations, and that's why this is a group endeavor. We all have gems to contribute to the larger understanding of what it means to be Qadishtu and the significant need for this role in our society today.

Please be sure to see our Calendar of Sacred Sexuality & Qadishtu Events at the very bottom of this page!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Qadishtu Apprenticeship Series: The beginning

I was recently asked to chronicle my Courtesan training in the Qadishtu Temple of Terra Incognita (TI). This was brought up as I was sitting in the beautiful oak-paneled living room of Elmslie Manor, home of David and Amanda, and the heart of TI. He and I were sharing a rich, full bodied, dark beer while the late afternoon sun streamed in through the windows as we talked. David had sent me a lengthy list of Qadishtu-oriented books to peruse and read last summer, but this cozy conversation was where my apprenticeship really began.

During the first step in my formal education, David filled me in on the beginnings of the Temple, as well as the Patrons, Priestesses, and Protégés to date. Some of this history I had heard before in bits and pieces during various discussions over the past six months. For the first time however, it was being told in chronological order, with all of the honest assessments that would be crucial to understanding the Qadishtu work central to this particular temple.

One of the first things that struck me, as David continued his narrative, was the similarity to the uchi deshi system of live-in trainees in a martial or Zen dojo. This was something I was familiar with as a twentyfive-plus year student of both. Having the opportunity to live in the home and temple of my Qadesh teachers affords me the opportunity to breathe in the rhythms and energy that are intrinsic to the particular work we are doing. While I don't currently live here full-time, as my predecessor Kristin did, being able to spend a week every month affords me the opportunity to deepen my intuitive grasp of Qadishti work, as well as my connection to the core Temple members, and the others who make up the inner circles of our group.

On one of my previous visits, I was able to spend a day with David and one of his clients, with her full permission, in order to observe their relationship in action. She was very open to discussing and sharing the benefits she was gaining as a result of working with David, and I was able to garner insights into the varied aspects of what this work might entail. Having the opportunity to engage with both of them in a series of truly delightful social settings allowed me to learn while interacting, which has been essential to my understanding what Qadishti work involves.

Next: My first Client.

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